Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bonus for 'Baldness' Part 2

April 12th,2008 This date will be sacred to me for many years to come. Dave Barnes...touched ME. Okay, I think that I should start from the beginning, I don't want to make him sound like a pervert.
This past weekend, I went to Athens to visit Emily. I knew that Dave was providing the Athens area a free concert. I was told that nothing in life is free, so naturally Emily and I were hesitant. We went to this 'Island Party' that was hosted by a fraternity and upon arrival we were just welcomed into a muddy field. As we entered, Andy Davis was playing. The crowd knew his music, but I came to the notion that people really came to see Dave Barnes. I can't really blame them.
Barnes finally came on stage. Emily and I stood as he serenaded me into a coma, which I greatly appreciated. **Footnote: Speaking of standing, we both came to a conclusion that everyone else is taller than Chell's. Okay, so we know that we are short, but is it really necessary that every tall person in the field, at one point or another, had to stand DIRECTLY in front of us? No really, is it? I think so. I think that due to our name, we are cursed for a lifetime.** I digress...
(To the right we have a little piece of goodness that I like to call Dave Barnes. Sigh)
So we watched him sing, listened to his stories, which by the way- HILARIOUS. (Ask me and you shall receive a synopsis. But ask Dave and you shall receive a 10 minute tangent) After he is done being perfect, he then says goodbye and leaves. Me, being the stalker that I am, followed him up the stairs with my eyes. I told Emily, like 5 minutes later, that I saw him go up. We slowly crept up and saw some beautiful man with these two other ugly people.( I am not this judgemental, I just think it reinforces my love for Dave Barnes. After we got up the stairs, Emily and I went off to the side to have a pow-wow to decide on what action to take. We did not really know what to do. She told me to go. I did not really want to. After all that- I started to walk over to him. Being more than prepared, I went to the liberty of bringing a Sharpie and the album cover in a Ziploc sealed baggie (Emily's idea). I went over there, standing at a distance. He then started to walk my way. At this point I probably have the world's most stupid grin on my face, but it really did not matter to me, seeing how there is little that I can do now. He put his hand out for me to shake and said, " Hello". Thinking more of it now, I mean there really is no point to the whole introduction thing, we both know that I know who he is, but I introduced myself out of habit. I said, " Hey there. I hate to be that person, but do you think that you could sign this?" With almost a shock, he said, " Yeah, no problem" and took my Sharpie. He was ready to write a name down, and he asked me who to make it out to. I told him Grayson and continued with the spelling of it. (This is when our 'moment' began). He said, " Oh Grayson... My friends are having a baby girl and they are naming it Grayson- only they are spelling it...G-r-a-c-...i-n no e-n, I don't remember, but it has Grace in it." Again with that stupid grin, I told him how uncommon it was to know of a female with that name and how special it will be. As he was writing his message to me he noticed my shirt. ( I was wearing a Gray Dave Barnes shirt). He asked me where I got it. I told him that I got it from his Atlanta show. At first he looked a bit perplexed, probably because he was going to do the Atlanta show the next night. I told him that it was the one he did with Matt back in November. ( And yes, we are all on a first name basis, jealous?) I saw the light bulb go off. He nodded and agreed with me. At this point in our deep conversation, Emily is still off to the side. It was until Dave actually rubbed his right hand over my head three times consecutively and said, and I quote, " I like this." I told him, a bit under my breathe, that I shaved my head about a month and half ago for children's cancer. I don't think that he heard me, but I was a bit distracted by his serenading touch. At this point, Emily's jealousy was enormous ( joking, she just noticed that this was not going to be a quick 'hello/ goodbye' thing, so she was now approaching us. This is when the manager or 'security' man started to tell Emily that Dave was going down to the table soon thereafter. Insinuating that she should not bother him at this moment. Emily told him that I was her sister and that she had no intention of harassing him as I did. I told him thank you and he started to leave to go down to the table for signing of cd's and doing the whole social thing.
This was a great weekend in Athens. I got to meet Dave Barnes and it made me so happy. I think that my hair made some sort of impression on him. So, for once, I think that I stood out from all those other blond, college, sorostitutes in the Athens/Clarke County region.

*Please note: Some of the events recorded above are a bit exaggerated in some areas. Although that is true, the general ideas are in fact accurate.

Bonus for 'Baldness' Part 1

April 8th, 2008 This evening, Allie and I ventured out to Asheville. We were going to see Citizen Cope at the Orange Peel and had been looking forward to this for several weeks. When we got there and marked our territory in the very front row, we met fellow Cope fans. One of them was a female who had her hair only mildly longer than mine is currently (as seen to the right). She was pretty funny and we enjoyed the small talk.
We found ourselves a bit surprised as to the performance that we saw. However, during the middle to end of the show, the girls to Allie's left became more belligerent and obnoxious. They started to push and fall all over each other and eventually over Allie. She managed to make it through, but people definitely noticed her situation. I know this to be true for several reasons. 1) the security guard came over and tried to remove the girls from being a disturbance and 2) because a peace favor (from the drummer) was given exclusively to Allie. He gave Allie both of the sticks that he had played quite roughly through the night and let me say, she deserved them things!
After the show Allie and I waited for the slightest possibility that Cope might make an appearance. As band members started to leak out from backstage, we then saw the drummer. He immediately came over to Allie and gave her this genuine, big hug. He looked down at her and said, " looks like you were having hard time out there". Allie I think was intoxicated from the overwhelming 'beautiful man smell' (please note that this is not sweaty and nasty, but very fresh and clean), but she managed to get out a response and thanked the drummer for his hospitality (and clean scent).
After the drummer came out, Cope shortly followed. At this point Allie and I were already thrilled to have met the drummer, and to have seen them all in person, but now we would meet Clarence Greenwood (Citizen Cope) himself. To our surprise, he is a bit timid and a man of very few words. He looks like he smokes constantly, but it is very clear that he loves what he does for a living. Allie being the great person that she is, gave me one of the two sticks. She then moved her way through the mini crowd and got a 'COPE' signature on her stick. I soon did the same, after a few other peoples' ticket stubs were signed.
Allie got looks from envious fans and I got looks for being with her. As to my haircut,I do not notice the looks toward me anymore. I might not even get them, we were in Asheville, so uniqueness much more common there :) .People at Western have seen me, so when I go out of the Cullowhee bubble, I am more likely to get looks, but I don't think that this was the case. This evening made me realize how happy I was not being the only girl with buzzed hair. Although, I do believe that seeing Citizen Cope and having our hair was the only thing we had in common. Throughout the night she showed preference to females...

Alie and I both left Asheville that evening very happy.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jacob Daniel: This is to YOU!

April 6th, 2008 (yes, we can count by 2's, 4-6-8) Ashley and Daniel welcomed JACOB DANIEL into the world. Congratulations! But, what this really means is that I have my very first nephew, as the Pugh's have their very first child, as Jacob has his very first 'World's Coolest Aunt'. I could not be any more excited for both the Chell and Pugh family.
Now, as a new member of the family Jacob, I am bringing a challenge to the table. As of right now, we have about the same amount of hair. Over the next little while, you will lose some, as I will have to cut mine. After that is all said and done, it is about equal. My challenge for you, if you wish to accept, is to have a hair growing contest. In the next several months, we are both going to be growing out our hair and I want to see who is better at it...
So If I win, you give me $10 dollars, but you you win...good for you. Sound good? Get back to me when you get a chance.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baby's First...Bed Head?

Pictured here is my very first bed head! I am very proud and happy of this accomplishment. I woke up this morning and was told by Heather that I actually had bed head. I could not believe her until I took a mirror and looked for myself. I have to say that it was quite a monumental moment for me.

Anyway, I just want to keep my progress as updated as possible. In this other photo you can really see how dark my hair is coming in. As I was talking with Ashley the other day, she brought something to my attention. During the summer, one of my favorite things to do is sit out in the sun. Naturally, when one stays in the sun, hair will turn lighter.I normally come back to school with lighter hair, bleached from the sun. Well, this summer, having only about 1 1/2 inches of hair, it may get lighter, but soon there after, it will all grow out. SO... I am going to have to handle having darker hair for a whole year until summer comes again. This is going to be a drastic change for me. I don't know how I going to feel about this, but we'll see come August.It has been 1 month and 5 days since the shaving, look how much it has grown. Just think, 1 more month and it is summer time. Oh i can't wait!

I leave you with this thought:
My hair is going to get awkward. I am going to look like a have a mullet. I am going to get mad. You all are going to tell me that it is just hair. You are also going to tell me that it does NOT look that bad. So, for the future, I just want to let you all know that I love you. I also want to thank you for supporting me and for telling me "... little lies tell[ing] me sweet little lies..." . I will understand (fully) if you do not want to associate with me.But, because you all love me, you still will.
