Saturday, May 9, 2009


I am done with classes, finals, and school for summer. It's official, yay! Now I get to relax, spend time with family, and eventually go to Green Pond to see my FAVORITE people. Sigh. I will post this summer and hopefully some growth and drastic changes will occur. One can only hope.
So, it's been some time since I last posted, so i'll just post a few pictures that have been taken over the past month or so.

Brandan had the urge to straighten my hair, so this is a product of her pink Chi. It works miracles, see...
The side angle:

The back angle makes it look like I have a mullet.
What is it with the mullet? Ugh, I am so over it.

This is what it looks like when it is put up. It
juts out a bit more in the back. No real difference
I guess. Brandan- thanks for the ego booster though. You're the best!

Here is one where I parted my hair on the other side. It made
my hair feel longer and it looked different. I am all for change, so
I can't argue that.

That's all I have for now, I will take more and I post the photos of pre-summer festivities. Talk to y'all later. Hope you are having a great summer thus far.