Monday, July 6, 2009

Red, White and Blonde

Well, the 4th of July has come and gone already. Since school let out, I have been looking forward to Green Pond time and the summer sun. Although, the Jersey sun refused to shine for about a month, we all have been able to get out and soak up some rays in between the busy work schedules of everyone. I hope that by the end of the summer I have long blonde locks and bronze skin, ha.

Wet and sleek, this is how long it was after a trim from Ashley. I wanted to make sure that I started out the summer with fresh hair. The one to the right of it was after it had dried a bit. It was taken right after school was let out in the beginning of May.

This pictures was taken sometime in June. At this point and time I had not been out in the sun to stimulate growth or to get lightened color, so it has changed from this point on as well.

Sorry this is such a cheep posting, but I wanted to put something up. I will upload some current pictures soon.I hope you all are having a great summer and that you had a happy and healthy 4th!

(Miss you ANT.)