Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pre/Post ARUBA

Wow. It really has been quite some time since I posted last, almost a whole month. So I am sitting on the front poach stealing wireless right now, so we'll see how well this will work until Thursday when the cable and interent guy comes...YES! I feel so unconnected with the world, it really is disgusting how much I rely on it,it's like a drug, I NEED it!
This pictures is before Aruba on May 18th.
Although the lighting is not too great seeing how this was taken at night on my computer, there are no real complaints, you get the concept.
Now the next picture is post Aruba. That means more than a week in the gorgeous sun and heat, so possibly noticeable growth and color change? Who knows. The call is yours. I will certainly post some Aruba photos next time, but I don't have that cord, of all things, I think I forgot that one at home, UGH.