Friday, September 11, 2009

Montage Mountain

I honestly don't even know who reads this anymore. My hair has now exceeded past the length it was before i got it shaved, so i don't know what progress i am recording, ha. Tell you what, my next drastic haircut will probably be the last time i post pictures. It no longer is fun and honestly, i feel like I'm 'blogging' to myself. But, for the two readers that i have, thanks Rachel and Allie, here are pictures for you. More for Rachel i guess, she isn't around to see it first hand. Whatever :)

Green Pond; Late July/ Early August Time

In my room at school. Early August.

In my room. Mid August.

In my room. Late August.

In my room. Early September.

Next time my hair will be shorter. Imagine that.

Happy 21st birthday Kristina.
My love to EBS, MSS, and CBS. Thinking about you guys today.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Red, White and Blonde

Well, the 4th of July has come and gone already. Since school let out, I have been looking forward to Green Pond time and the summer sun. Although, the Jersey sun refused to shine for about a month, we all have been able to get out and soak up some rays in between the busy work schedules of everyone. I hope that by the end of the summer I have long blonde locks and bronze skin, ha.

Wet and sleek, this is how long it was after a trim from Ashley. I wanted to make sure that I started out the summer with fresh hair. The one to the right of it was after it had dried a bit. It was taken right after school was let out in the beginning of May.

This pictures was taken sometime in June. At this point and time I had not been out in the sun to stimulate growth or to get lightened color, so it has changed from this point on as well.

Sorry this is such a cheep posting, but I wanted to put something up. I will upload some current pictures soon.I hope you all are having a great summer and that you had a happy and healthy 4th!

(Miss you ANT.)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I am done with classes, finals, and school for summer. It's official, yay! Now I get to relax, spend time with family, and eventually go to Green Pond to see my FAVORITE people. Sigh. I will post this summer and hopefully some growth and drastic changes will occur. One can only hope.
So, it's been some time since I last posted, so i'll just post a few pictures that have been taken over the past month or so.

Brandan had the urge to straighten my hair, so this is a product of her pink Chi. It works miracles, see...
The side angle:

The back angle makes it look like I have a mullet.
What is it with the mullet? Ugh, I am so over it.

This is what it looks like when it is put up. It
juts out a bit more in the back. No real difference
I guess. Brandan- thanks for the ego booster though. You're the best!

Here is one where I parted my hair on the other side. It made
my hair feel longer and it looked different. I am all for change, so
I can't argue that.

That's all I have for now, I will take more and I post the photos of pre-summer festivities. Talk to y'all later. Hope you are having a great summer thus far.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

525,600 Minutes and counting...

If this made you smile, go to: and scroll down to watch the video.

Well, it's been 1 whole year. Last year, March 1st marked the first day of my spring break and my hair cut. The dates are slightly different this year, as they did not allow me to attend the events in Raleigh. I was reminded by the headline on the font page of the newspaper. The headline (ha, get it? HEAD) read: 'Bald Altruism'. and if you wish to see more of it, it can be found below. There are some photos and compelling stories.So when you have a moment, you can see why this is such a great event and how they have been growing in popularity! Yay.
This time last year it was sunny and warm, not too cool.This year, it is raining and snowing out. It would not have been an ideal year to shave the head. My head would be so chilly.Brr.
Here is what my head looked like March 1, 2008:

Here is what my head looks like March 1, 2009:

I mean, I see a slight difference, but I think that I am biased...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WARNING! Contains the following: human manes and Eddie Murphy look-a-likes.

Well, it is almost that time again, spring break. Yay! I am finishing up my last week in Cullowhee, then going to Raleigh for a bit. I might even stop by the St. Baldrick's event to pay my respects, see all them bald folks. It will be interesting to see it from a historical perspective I guess. If I do go, I'll take pictures and post them.

After almost one year, I have done many-a-thing to my hair style(s). Up, side, half, quarter, you name it, I might have tried to do it. Most of them failed to look acceptable, but some manage to work out. I have here a pinned mess, but oh does it feel so good to get it up.

It has taken me some time to figure out what I can and cannot do.
Some things just look silly. Once all the layers grow out beyond a point,
I think it will get better.

and this...this is the aftermath:

Granted it was up all day long and I did put it up when it was wet-ish,
but I look like Mufasa. UGH. ( Don't tell anyone but I kind of enjoy the
massive body it has, ha.)

Another way to wear it, is down. I think it is getting longer, right? Maybe
slower than I might like, but we can see the difference if we compare to
previous posts.

On another note, not only do I have hair on my head, but also on my face. Allie and I attended a party where a mustache was required. This 'Mustache Party' was a weekend festivity worth attending. Hey Al, congrats on winning the contest for the faux stash. She was told that she resembled Eddie Murphy...I don't think I see it, but that's your call.

I will leave you to ponder this one. I will post on the 1 year anniversary. See some of you soon, as for the rest of you, I can't wait to see you again.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


You know on Full House, when Joey does the hand gesture and says, 'cut it out'?!
Yeah, I had no real point there, just wondering if you watched Full House and knew what I was talking about in reference to the post's title.
Anyway, I went to Athens again this weekend. I got a hair cut. Before I went to get it cut, I had the Brady cut....AGAIN. In fact, it closely resembled a mullet as well. Sticking to the Full House theme, let's just say that I could have looked like Uncle Jesse. Wow, I must have looked HOT!
So, it was really just shaped and layered again with a razor. I am trying to keep length, yet maintain some sort of style. It is hard to watch them take off an inch and think that it will just grow back and I'll have to do it all over again...
Here is what it looks like now. You might not be able to even notice a difference in length. That could be both a good thing and bad, for me. It has almost been one year. In fact I got an e-mail telling me to be a shavee again. I laughed. But, maybe another time, we'll just wait and see.
I'll update you again soon, but just wanted y'all to see the new hair.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The End of an Era...

Who wants to leave this? Honestly. This is Green Pond, post sunset, and frozen. sigh.
I would like to thank everyone for their hospitality and bed for snuggle time. Loaf it!

I don't really have any hair pictures, no growth noted... Wow, I feel like I am recording a lab report, perhaps I should tone it down a bit. My hair is slowly growing, that better? :)
I have a pony tail and bangs. I feel like i'm in the 80's. It's awful.

This is a group photo on new years. I was not serious, but apparently others were, minus Joely. Happy 2009 by the way.

Thank you all for such a great break in New Jersey! I love you all very much and miss you dearly already. I can't wait for summer '09, it's going to be ground breaking. See you soon!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This is the best time of the year, and this year I am spending it in New Jersey. The first day I got here, it was just cold, but I sure did enjoy the bitterness of New Jersey :) Within the next few days, there was 8+ inches of snow all around. Being with snow and friends, really makes it feel like a special winter and Christmas. I am super excited to be here and enjoying my break from school in the best way possible! I miss my family and know that they would like to spend the holidays with all of us, but I know that they are keeping us all in thought.

I have been busy doing nothing but enjoying my friend's company, staying cozy, eating a ton of food, and being very thankful for the people in my life, all around the country. My sister, in Georgia has to work today on Christmas. My other sister, in Arizona at the moment, with husband and son who get to celebrate his first Christmas which is very eventful and exciting. In fact, there are many new additions celebrating their first Christmases, and i wish them all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! My brother, who is in Brooklyn, is staying busy with work as well. So looks like I am the only one not working very feels good.

Here is one profile picture of the hair growth. I have been told it's getting longer? Only some more time will tell if it is significant over my vacation.

Here is another up-do I had to make-do with because it was greasy and nasty (to be quite frank). It gets it out of my face but is not always cute. Then again, when has cuteness been a factor with my hair? yeah...

(p.s. please note my mouth, it is wide opened. I called it out so that nobody else would tell me to close my mouth. ha)

Well, that is all for now. I wish y'all a very happy holiday season and will post again toward the new year. Miss everyone, but send my love from the New Jersey!

Also, Congrats Brandan on your engagement to Jeff on Christmas Eve. You two are going to have a wonderful Christmas together, with many more to come. Yay!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time for CHANGE.

I am going to ignore the fact that I have not posted in quite some time, I have been finishing the semester here in Cullowhee and staying super busy with everything else. For all of y'all who have been checking this blog once in awhile and still awaiting some updated stuff, here you go. Let's make this quick...
Finals will be over and I will make my trip back to Raleigh. I will stay for a few days and then make my way up to the Garden State, Yay! This is where I shall stay for the majority of my vacation. I could not be any more excited to see my favorite people and to be in my favorite place, and in the winter?! Imagine that! Anyway, this is my future, let's take a look at the past.Here is what you missed:

My 'emo' costume for Halloween.(I am fond on the lip ring, ha).

Obama won. (Yeah, I know. This is how long it has been since I posted, sorry!)

Jacob's crawling. Jacob's two teeth. Jacob's insinuating a Denise the Menace childhood.



My hair can go in assorted 'up-do's'.

They are not the best, but they get it out of my face and neck. It feels amazing and i like having some variety of style in my hair.

Anyway, i have nothing further to say. Sorry i was not satisfying in the information department, but I will post over my month long winter break to show you some hair possibilities (and even some funny ones possibly). Green Ponders get creative!

...Oh yeah, and Emily got engaged. Yay! At this rate, I will surely have hair by the wedding!Bring it on hair.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunburns and Taking Turns

October 4th- It was homecoming weekend here in Cullowhee. This means not much to the students, faculty, or the football players really, which saddens me. Over the years, we have all come to grip with reality, we lose football games. I mean someone how to lose the game, right? I was cheering along with many of my peers in the stands during the game. It is a little after 12 o'clock and although it is October, it is still very warm. The sun was out and shining. As for my head situation, I parted my hair and had it up with bobby pins.After all day in the sun, I had a precious burn on my neck (oh no worries, it was only above the collar of my shirt. So essentially, I had a farmer's tan. YES! Ugh, it was horrendous.) and on my head where my scalp was exposed from my part.
At the end of the day we lost a football game and I got a sunburn.
(The picture to the right is of my burn. You know, just cause you can't see the extent of my burn, does not mean that it did not hurt. Please have some sympathy, it was sore the next shower that I took.)

October 5th- Allie and I went to Asheville today to see Barack Obama speak. It was quite gorgeous outside and we all might not have been able to ask for a better weather. Like yesterday, we stood outside. This time it was for more than six hours. Being outside for the duration of the day was spent in line standing, speech listening, and leaving. This day took for-ev-er! Regardless of the opposite side being parted today, I still managed to burn on top of a head. This particular area really is unfortunatete. In the end, I can say that today was worth it. I can not, however, say the same about yesterday.

October 6th- If you are wondering why there are so many photos of creative hair-do's, I think that you should know that the hair gel resides on a desk in the open. When people see it sitting there, the opportunity it open for all. Here are some more of Allie's creations. Each time they get cuter, don't they?

October 8th-11th- Fall break was finally here. Ashley, Daniel, and mister Jacob were going to be in Raleigh for a wedding and I could not have been happier! I got to spend time with my nephew and let me tell y' do not do this kid justice. He is by far one of the cutest things that I have ever seen. I am a bit bias, but I know that he has some of his parents features.He was having a blast in this laundry basket. He was almost able to pull himself up, but we were all a little bit apprehensive to let him do so. He is one of the happiest children as Daniel and Ashley have been told. Here is some more proof that he is content in mommy's lap. It is about 12:30.Listen to his laughing!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby's First Haircut!

September 20th- Forever will mark the day when I had my hair cut...again. I have been attempting to grow it out for six months and never imagined that I would cut it so soon after. In order for me to NOT closely resemble Carol Brady, ( from the Brady Bunch) I had to fix this 'situation', FAST! **Please refer to the photo if you are unaware of the horrendous coif of Mrs. Brady.**
Looking back to pre-haircut, Allie sure did have some fun trying to fix a white girl's hair. The things is, she had no Godly clue what she is doing with the 'L.A. Looks' and my hair.She did a few experiments and I have evidence to go along with my case. So how you YOU feel about the 'pedophile look'?(left).

As the evening progresses, it is all fun and games...

...until it just isn't fun anymore.

The bottle was 2 oz. I have 1 oz. in my hair. Ew.

On another trip to Athens, I planned to get my haircut. This trip had been planned for quite sometime now, really it was based around a trip to Belmont. Before our venture, I went to get my haircut. This is what it looked like right before I left the house. It is longer in the back and has evenly grown in.

On Saturday, Emily and I went to Belmont-Abbey College (near Charlotte, like a three hour drive from Athens) to see a performance by Dave Barnes. This was definitely an anticipatory event I must say! I think we were more anxious because of the lack of information and planning on BAC's behalf. Patrick Motter...(ew, I get angry just saying his name) was supposed to be more helpful, but not to our surprise, he wasn't.
Emily and I always learn a few things while we're together. Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, the tallest person in the entire venue will be strategically placed directly in front of us, right next to the either a) obnoxious, hippie dancers; or 2) the drunkards. This time we were fortunate enough to be embedded between the man who closely embodies Paul Bunyan and the girls who wish they were at Bonnaroo.

Yeah,you see those small specks in the foreground? Yeah,that's us.
And just think, this is him sitting down!

Anyway, the trip was amazing. We got to eat, lounge, and sleep in a Paul Bunyan sized bed, it was AMAZING. The only photo I have of my new hair, is with Dave Barnes. So here it is, with a clip to hold up the strays.I got the back trimmed, as well as the bangs, and I did get layers throughout my head. I like the new cut and hope that it grows out with some sort style, for I have been lacking it for the past six months.