Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby's First Haircut!

September 20th- Forever will mark the day when I had my hair cut...again. I have been attempting to grow it out for six months and never imagined that I would cut it so soon after. In order for me to NOT closely resemble Carol Brady, ( from the Brady Bunch) I had to fix this 'situation', FAST! **Please refer to the photo if you are unaware of the horrendous coif of Mrs. Brady.**
Looking back to pre-haircut, Allie sure did have some fun trying to fix a white girl's hair. The things is, she had no Godly clue what she is doing with the 'L.A. Looks' and my hair.She did a few experiments and I have evidence to go along with my case. So how you YOU feel about the 'pedophile look'?(left).

As the evening progresses, it is all fun and games...

...until it just isn't fun anymore.

The bottle was 2 oz. I have 1 oz. in my hair. Ew.

On another trip to Athens, I planned to get my haircut. This trip had been planned for quite sometime now, really it was based around a trip to Belmont. Before our venture, I went to get my haircut. This is what it looked like right before I left the house. It is longer in the back and has evenly grown in.

On Saturday, Emily and I went to Belmont-Abbey College (near Charlotte, like a three hour drive from Athens) to see a performance by Dave Barnes. This was definitely an anticipatory event I must say! I think we were more anxious because of the lack of information and planning on BAC's behalf. Patrick Motter...(ew, I get angry just saying his name) was supposed to be more helpful, but not to our surprise, he wasn't.
Emily and I always learn a few things while we're together. Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, the tallest person in the entire venue will be strategically placed directly in front of us, right next to the either a) obnoxious, hippie dancers; or 2) the drunkards. This time we were fortunate enough to be embedded between the man who closely embodies Paul Bunyan and the girls who wish they were at Bonnaroo.

Yeah,you see those small specks in the foreground? Yeah,that's us.
And just think, this is him sitting down!

Anyway, the trip was amazing. We got to eat, lounge, and sleep in a Paul Bunyan sized bed, it was AMAZING. The only photo I have of my new hair, is with Dave Barnes. So here it is, with a clip to hold up the strays.I got the back trimmed, as well as the bangs, and I did get layers throughout my head. I like the new cut and hope that it grows out with some sort style, for I have been lacking it for the past six months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, I need a clearer picture of the new cut, because I cant get a good picture in my head from your description. kthanks. <3