Monday, September 1, 2008

Six Months Old!

Well, it has been a whole six months since. I know that from the picture it does not really seem like that much hair, but if you really think about it, it is inches long. From very short stubble --> to a 'functional do'.I was thinking, people actually get their hair cut like this, so I feel more normal now.
With the length that it is, it gets surprisingly hot in this heat. I am actually perplexed as to why though.My hair is neither heavy or long, so i don't really understand how it works. Recently, to get the little hairs out of my way, I have used headbands and bandannas. I look incredibly silly and I feel the need to share it with you. It feels so much better to have the hair off of me. I guess it really did help to have shorter hair this summer, when it was hot. I won't miss this heat, so winter can get here now, I'm ready.
I do miss, however, having the possibility of putting my hair up in a ponytail or even in bobby pins. I want to be able to do that, it isn't quite there yet.Oh well, can't have everything. Let's just hope that in another six months that I will be able to, if not, we have a SERIOUS problem.
Until the next post, which shall be in the near future I suppose...I think it is time to get a hair trim, so the next time it might be shorter, sigh. But hey, it will at least be even, thank goodness!


Anonymous said...

UMM...that bandanna is sooo frickin hot! I miss you and your short hair!

Ashley said...

your hair looks like it's growing out with some awesome color. how'd you do that?
xoxo and can't wait until we see you in october!