Saturday March 1, 2008. This day marks the last day that I would waste time washing, blow drying, and styling my hair. Just for personal pleasure, I milked it for all that it was worth, you can count on that. (Also, because I had to look somewhat presentable because later today I had a passport photo taken, so I guess I had more of a reason to look nice.)
Today was a usual day, I did my errands, relaxed, thought about my hair, played with it, thought about my hair more. As the time rolled around for me to leave and go downtown, I said my goodbyes. As I hugged my mother and father goodbye, I noticed that they were not really hugging
me bye, but my hair. I was only driving down the street, but my hair, oh my hair would not be back for sometime. They seemed to be sad, as if I were leaving for a vacation, or to go back to school, it was awkward for me a bit. I can understand, I guess. I mean a child is living their own life and doing something that will single them out in the world, this is a big concern for moms and dads everywhere.
I then left and went to pick up a friend. I got Meredith, a friend, to come along with me to support and document this moment. I did not particularly want my parents there for this event. I knew that they would not enjoy watching me have my head shaved, although again, I knew that they supported me.
As we arrived, all
Shavees (the name given to people whom are willing to shave their heads) were required to turn in forms and sign in, etc. This is where reality started to hit me. I saw people on the stage (where they do the shaving for all to see) and thought about me getting up there when my time came. I see and hear the host, the crowd cheering, my heart defiantly sped up… BREATHE ,I thought.
It was not until I put my name tag on, that specifically states that I was a
SHAVEE, that a young man came up to me. This man, maybe in his 20’s, wearing a light and dark brown striped long sleeved shirt and jeans, started talking to me. I remember he said, “you’re shaving your head?” I was a bit taken aback; one because
thi telling me his story. He said, “ Wow. I really just want to thank you. My younger sister was diagnosed a few years ago with Leukemia, and she lost her hair…this really means a lot to me to see a female sacrificing her hair by choice.” After he said that, I really did not know what to say to him. So I said, “ Not a problem at all. I want to do what I can to help.” Seriously? Yes random person was talking to me, and two because, well he was handsome too. So I responded with,” Yes, yes I am.”
I know, it was all I could think of to say. So the purpose of that paraphrased story was to let everyone know that everything, every
little thing that people are doing, helps someone, direct and indirectly. When he told me that, I just was that much more glad that I was doing what I was going. I have decided that that day that I sacrificed my hair for his sister.
My appointment was from 5:00-5:30, so naturally, around 6:00, they were ready for me. I got in line with all males. Yeah, I got looks every now and then, even some comments of inspiration, which is always nice. I stood there in line watching man after man get his head, and occasional beard, shaved off. I heard the amount of money that they raised, and it is truly phenomenal to see how much people care and how much of a difference that we could all make. As I got near the front of the line, when I had to get my name card, the woman in charge saw that I was a girl and told me that I was brave and that I deserved a good spot on the stage. (Oh good, that was the goal.)
This was it. I took the step, step and final step up the stairs, across the stage, and into the last barber chair on the end(of course, THE LAST one on the
wayyy end ☺). I got the bib put on and just sat until the host was done with the previous
shavee. Then it was finally my turn. He came over to me, and asked my name. I held a brief conversation with him( this is all on a microphone so that the audience can hear too). I told him that the total amount of money I raised was $75. He
then yelled,” this girl is shaving her head for only $75…”. I had never really thought about it before I guess, I just knew that I wanted to do it, and do it for a good cause. So I guess that that might have been little amount, but only for a little while longer.He then told the audience that they should help me get more money. People we willing to donate $20 here, and $20 there, to my name, to this great cause. This made me feel so good. I felt like they were trying to auction me off, but hey, whatever works.
After getting more money, I got my before picture taken, and would now endure the shaving portion of my commitment to this foundation. So...BUZZ. The clippers started at the bottom right part of my neck a
nd worked their way up. Yeah, I was terrified, I mean they could have given me like a 1,2,3 warning…NOPE. So there I was sitting, staring at this one guy in the audience that was very aesthetically pleasing, and just seemed to keep eye contact with me through this big moment. This guy continued to smile at me, mouthing the words, ‘thank you’, and just making me feel so good for doing this. I thank him very much for preventing me from passing out.
Well, it was done. It all happened so fast.I felt the top of my head. It was gone. All of it. I was so happy to be done, and to hear everyone cheer for me, that really makes me proud. I then worked my way off the stage, where I was smiling, only because I would NOT cry. I was leaving, then the announcer said, and I quote” Damn, you actually look really good bald. You single?” I laughed and worked my way off the stage. I walked through the crowd, and people were smiling at me, patting me on the back, and saying ‘thank you’. I felt like I was hero, sounds really lame I know, but the way they cheered for Rudy in the movie,
would be an accurate portrayal of events.
I stayed for a little while longer to watch some more people get shaved. Meredith and I started to get hungry, so we then decided to leave after a little while longer. I was leaving and this man at the bar( where this took place) whistled at me. It is amazing!I still get hit on, even when I am
bald. I must be really good looking ☺.
So I leave you with this thought: I think that the concept of hair is really overrated. Just think, we always look in mirrors one last time before we leave to go out. We all do it, we check make-up( if you're a female, or if you just like wearing make-up), our teeth, and our hair. We want to make sure that we look acceptable according to this ‘generalized idea’. We want to make sure that nothing is too out of the ordinary that might possibly make us look silly. I can’t say that anyone does this more or less than I have, I am just wondering why in the world do we care? And to be honest, nobody gives a crap about what YOU look like, they are definitely more consumed with how THEY look. So no worries there.
It is just hair.