Wednesday, March 5, 2008


After only four days of having my hair this short,I feel like it is growing on comment. So even my mother tells me, " I think that your hair is longer than it was a few days ago." I mean yes, when it is this short, it might be easier to tell when it grows even the slightest bit.
I go back to campus on Monday the 10th, so we will all have to take a consensus of what other people think of it. I am a bit nervous, but also excited to share my head to all my peers. I will come back to you all with reactions, more photos and stories for sure!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i just want to rub your head:) And I will say this: it makes your eyes stand-out more....just throwing that out there.
I'm so proud of who you are!
<3 A