Thursday, March 13, 2008

The WHEE approves.

(To the left is what it might look like if you were seeing me almost 2 weeks after the event.)

Coming back to school in the whee was 'ugh', but the whole letting everyone else see what I engaged myself in over break was the pretty fun part.
Now I knew that people might give me a double take or give a smile, (just cause that were not sure of my situation) so it took a bit of getting used to all of the extra attention. My friends were all happy to feel and see my lack of hair in person. I got many positive reactions from my fellow peers, which is greatly appreciated and is very uplifting in a possible vulnerable state like this.

My Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday classes: My very first professor reaction was refreshingly nice. In this class, I sit in the very front row, at direct eye contact level for her. When she was effortlessly looking around the room for the attendance, her eyes then met my head. She smiled at me and then proceeded to walk toward my direction. She said, " Wow. It looks good. How do you feel?" I smiled back at her and responded, " A bit more chilly now, but good." She really did not draw any more attention to me, which is always nice, but still acknowledged the fact that she was getting adjusted to my change.
I later went to my other class. I walked into the room and felt the eyes. I tried not to walk across the room like I knew they were staring directly at my head, that was tricky, I mean I knew that they knew that I know? Anyway, I sit in the middle to back of this room, so the professor did not see me immediately and that is fine by me. So he calls roll, and makes eye contact. This is when he states," Oh, that reminds me,I still owe you money." Of course, the ones who had not seen, redirected their attention to me, thus seeing my hair. I guess it is good that they all saw it at once, so it is not this cyclical period of people staring and wondering, I mean it has to happen sometime right? It was not embarrassing, it was expected, so I feel that today's classes took it well for the most part.

My Tuesday/ Thursday classes: The second I walked into my first class today, I knew that the professor would say something( just a footnote...he is a jerk.) about my hair. He said, with such attitude " Well, well, look at us." I was prepared to face it and overall, it did go fine.( I feel that I am making everything sound so much more dramatic then it really is, but I just want to create the whole effect for y'all).The next class I find myself more comfortable talking and interacting with, so this made it easier to answer the questions.
I think that the past few days have been the most fun because I get to see every ones reactions for the first time, it is really humorous.I think that over time they will get used to it and eventually really not even be phased by it, I know that is how I am. But we'll just have to see.

I will leave you with this story:
Okay.I want to set the scene just right, please come along with me... It is 9:28 and class starts at 9:30. I am almost late. I am speed walking into the building. I see a boy wearing sunglasses ( inside), a red hoodie, and talking on the phone. Paying no attention to anything else, other than what time the clock in the lobby says, I walk faster to start up the stairs. It is when I am about to continue, when I hear a "Pssst". I brush it off, I then hear it again." Psst". I turn around. He looks at me ( at least I think he was, he was wearing sunglasses) and gives me the finger signal to come over. I am first taken aback by the singling out, but then I quickly decide to see what he wanted. He stopped talking on the phone, and then proceeded to ask me, " Ey, can I touch yo head?". I laughed and told him 'yes'. He told me thank you and went back to talking on the phone.I then continued up the stairs with a smile out of pure baffled-ness. ( Yeah, I made a word up, what now?) It is times like this that make me happy. So random and yet so perfect.

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