Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Locks' Last Moments

Friday February 29th -This is the last day of classes before spring break. In previous weeks at school in Cullowhee, I had been announcing that I was in fact shaving my head over break. Some reactions from my peers were as followed:“ Wait, what?” “Seriously?” “ Like shaving, shaving?” And my response to all of those questions is, ‘ yes’. I am shaving my head. I am serious. I am committing to it.
Now, out of courtesy, I gave each one of my professors a ‘ heads up’ (that is SO bad). I mean I thought about it, I would like to know ahead (okay, that is enough) of time if one of my students were going to participate in this as well. (Although, it is debatable on whether or not it is really any of their business… whatever). So, I gave them a sheet with information about what it is that I am doing, also on how I would love to have their support. I got mixed reactions from them as well.“ Well, you are going to need some hats.” “Okkkkay.” “You are really brave.” Some of their reactions I really appreciated and others I could live without, especially some of the non-verbal communication toward me after I told them my news. I guess that’s life. And honestly, what did I expect?
So I went home for break today. I let Mom and Dad appreciate my hair only for a few hours until I would wake up and then the next day have it all taken off. Although they might not be 100% all for me doing this, I know that they really do support and love me, which makes them really the best parents anyone could essentially ask for. They even contributed money to the cause, which also made me realize how much they really do care.
The night before the big day, I went to bed preparing myself physically and mentally, for what the following day would bring. I am not going to lie to anyone who asks me. I was terrified. Yes, I want to do it. I want to do it. I want to do it! That is not the point. All of the hair on my head was going to be shaved off. I am going to be bald. I will have to wear hats. People will stare. (And will the people stare, my goodness.) I mean I knew that this was going to happen, how often do females have shaved heads? It is just not socially acceptable.
So I leave you with this thought: It is truly a shame that society has grown to accept males as having short hair and females to have long hair. I see, very often, men that have longer hair. I wish that it would not be such a big issue that females (either by choice or not) have shaved heads, or even really short hair.

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