Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pre-Bald Days

Talk of wanting to actually become bald (someday) all started years ago. I think that in 2004, when I decided to grow my hair out and donate it to Locks-Of-Love, is also when I had just grown tired of having hair. Constantly being concerned about whether it is greasy, cow-licked, or just 'frumpy' looking, I came to a conclusion that one day, before I die (yes, I know, a very broad window) that I would in fact shave my head. It sounds like such an exciting and bold concept, shaving all the hair from your head. Just waking up in the morning with ease and not really having any worries regarding a hairstyle, count me in. Now talking about doing something and actually doing something, I have learned in my 20 years, are two very different things. I have been talking about doing this for a while, but actually finding a reason and doing it have taken much more time.
I do a lot of talk to my peers and family. I think sometimes they brush off things that I say, just because of who I am. I do not, in the least bit, take any offense to them for doing that. However, shaving my head had become more of a thing I wanted to do, than just a thing I would talk about doing. Over time, I convinced myself that I wanted to and was sure that I would. I told Emily, my oldest sister, and naturally she supported me and told me that I should do it. Now note: when someone older than you ( for best results, siblings) tells you that it would, ‘be cool for you to do something’, it might motivate you to do it more... :)
Anyway, Emily is the one in the family that likes to do research on the internet, ‘browse’, if you will. She called me one day, as she occasionally does on her way back home from work, and she told me about St. Baldrick's. Telling me this was not the purpose of her call, she just wanted to throw the idea out to me. Over the next however long, I found myself thinking about it. Sometime a bit later, around St. Patrick’s Day, I do remember seeing on the front page of the News & Observer (a local paper), a girl having her head shaved. THAT! That is what I wanted to do. I now had found my purpose and cause. I was more determined from this point on to really do it, although I was not sure if I were really ready to face this, head on.(You really thought that I would write this and not have a pun in there? Shame on you.)

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