Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baby's First...Bed Head?

Pictured here is my very first bed head! I am very proud and happy of this accomplishment. I woke up this morning and was told by Heather that I actually had bed head. I could not believe her until I took a mirror and looked for myself. I have to say that it was quite a monumental moment for me.

Anyway, I just want to keep my progress as updated as possible. In this other photo you can really see how dark my hair is coming in. As I was talking with Ashley the other day, she brought something to my attention. During the summer, one of my favorite things to do is sit out in the sun. Naturally, when one stays in the sun, hair will turn lighter.I normally come back to school with lighter hair, bleached from the sun. Well, this summer, having only about 1 1/2 inches of hair, it may get lighter, but soon there after, it will all grow out. SO... I am going to have to handle having darker hair for a whole year until summer comes again. This is going to be a drastic change for me. I don't know how I going to feel about this, but we'll see come August.It has been 1 month and 5 days since the shaving, look how much it has grown. Just think, 1 more month and it is summer time. Oh i can't wait!

I leave you with this thought:
My hair is going to get awkward. I am going to look like a have a mullet. I am going to get mad. You all are going to tell me that it is just hair. You are also going to tell me that it does NOT look that bad. So, for the future, I just want to let you all know that I love you. I also want to thank you for supporting me and for telling me "... little lies tell[ing] me sweet little lies..." . I will understand (fully) if you do not want to associate with me.But, because you all love me, you still will.


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